Tailored Investments, Entrepreneurial Approach

Being an independently owned business, mpe is able to exercise a level of entrepreneurial flexibility in its approach to deals. There is no particular sector emphasis.

Private Equity industry standard protocols are adopted, and a long standing team of top legal and financial advisers are engaged, meaning undertaking a transaction with mpe is transparent, expeditious and professional.

Whilst based in the North West of England, and with a stronger geographical focus there, deals can be executed nationally.

mpe is a generalist investor, but has been particularly active and successful in sectors such as engineering, financial services, SaaS, leisure and food and beverage.

Our Investment Approach

Investment preference is geared towards already established businesses seeking an equity release for existing shareholders, development capital for acquisition or expansion or a management buy out/buy in. As always, the key element will be the team and mpe spend a lot of time developing this relationship before a commitment is made.

Investments in each deal are generally between £0.5m and £5m and are underwritten internally. Exit timetables and returns expectations are flexible and are assessed on a deal by deal basis.

Discover the Impact

Our portfolio showcases a diverse range of successful deals across various sectors, each underlining our commitment to growth, innovation, and entrepreneurial flexibility.

Work with us

Get in touch today to explore tailored investment opportunities.